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Aug 31, 2019

This week, Tom Campbell (@tomcampbell on Twitter) from Cultaholic joins Vin Forte (@mightyvin) in the Wrasslerap Arena to discuss the UK Wrestling scene, the false perception of the UK scene hitting its peak, British wrestling tribute shows of the early 2000s, as well as touching on NXT UK: Cardiff, NJPW Royal Quest, &...

112. Ryan Anderson (of Daily DDT)

Aug 24, 2019

This week, Ryan Anderson (@gullyblanchard on Twitter) from Daily DDT joins Vin Forte in the Wrasslerap Arena to discuss the new Wednesday Night Wars, the unfair shadow of the Attitude Era, what AEW needs to do to stand out, what kind of involvement will Vince have with the new NXT show on USA, and much more!

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Aug 17, 2019

Vin Forte (@MightyVin on Twitter) fills in for Sparks this week and is joined by Alia Paige (@ALIAJPAIGE on Twitter) to discuss falling in love with the wider scope of wrestling, the pure joy of Orange Cassidy, trying to remain an uncynical fan, analyzing the WWE Women's Tag Team belts & more!

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110. G1 Update & Summerslam Weekend

Aug 10, 2019

Frequent Guest Vin Forte (@MightyVin on Twitter) fills in for Sparks this week and runs down the current G1 participants and runs down Summerslam weekend.

This episode is sponsored by SeatGeek. Download the SeatGeek app and use the promo code WRASSLE for $10.00 off your first purchase.

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Aug 3, 2019

Anthony "Sharkbait" Gutierrez chops it up with Emilio Sparks about his journey in both MMA and Pro Wrestling 

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